Green Caucus, Brookline, Massachusetts
Who we are
The Green Caucus is a group of Brookline Town Meeting members committed to helping Brookline become a green community. The Green Caucus mission is: "Through Town Meeting, promote a sustainable future, a lower impact on the natural environment, and an improved quality of life for the greater Brookline Community." For a list of current members, please go to the Members page.
The Green Caucus was launched by twelve members in September, 2011 and has grown to over 80 members today. For information about meetings held since then, see the Meetings page.

Think Globally, Act Locally
To address climate change and protect our natural environment, local communities need to show significant results. We hope that Brookline will become a leading green community in the U.S.
Town Meeting Warrant Articles
The Green Caucus develops warrant articles and endorses those with a significant environmental impact. If you have an idea for a Town Meeting warrant article which can help integrate principles of sustainability into town policies and programs and mitigate the loss of environmental resources, please contact the chair, Clint Richmond, using the addresses on the Members page. To learn about past Warrant Articles endorsements visit the Meetings page or to see articles we have helped develop visit the link below: